September 09, 2024

CAHRmeleon Bioscience GmbH

CAHRmeleon Bioscience GmbH

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Multiple myeloma: When cancer cells break out of the bone marrow, dangerous diversity develops

Multiple myeloma: When cancer cells break out of the bone marrow, dangerous diversity develops

A research team from the Heidelberg Medical Faculty, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH) and the Max Delbrück Center has discovered new details about the spread of the incurable bone marrow cancer “multiple myeloma” in the body: When the cancer cells break out of the bone and […]

How the HIV-1 Capsid Cracks the Barrier of the Human Nucleus

How the HIV-1 Capsid Cracks the Barrier of the Human Nucleus

New evidence points towards a forceful entry of HIV-1 capsid into the nucleus of human cells Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics and Heidelberg University have observed largely intact HIV-1 capsids as they enter the cell nucleus through specialized channels called nuclear pores. In an exciting interdisciplinary study, they propose a new mechanism […]

Bacteria, brains, and sugar: scientists uncover new connections

Bacteria, brains, and sugar: scientists uncover new connections

Using a new method to study how carbohydrates modify proteins, scientists have discovered that gut bacteria can alter molecular signatures in the brain Summary Our guts are home to trillions of bacteria, and research over the last few decades has established how essential they are to our physiology – in health and disease. A new study […]


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