April 22, 2024

5-Day Course: Gene Therapy Innovations – from science and manufacturing to patient benefit

5-Day Course: Gene Therapy Innovations – from science and manufacturing to patient benefit

EATRIS is hosting a 5-day course “Gene Therapy Innovations” from bench to patient in Belgium from 18-22 November together with the GET-IN project. PhD students and early PostDocs will learn from real-life scenarios presented by experts and group assignments. The course will address key aspects for successfully translating research into patient benefit like Manufacturing, Regulatory, Clinical aspects, Commercialisation and Reimbursement. Please help us to reach out to the excellent potential participants in your network (see announcement text to share via email below).

There is a 100€ discount for EATRIS members and an additional discount for participants from EU-13 countries.

For additional information or any feedback, please reach out to the training team (training@eatris.eu)


Date & Time 18-22 November 2024
Address KU Leuven 01.10 – Nicolas de le Villezaal – Celestijnenklooster – CBA (331-80) Willem de Croylaan 6 , 3001 Heverlee
Sciencepark Arenberg, Bio-Incubator Leuven NV, Gaston Geenslaan 3, 3001 Heverlee
UCB Pharma, Avenue de l’Industrie B – 1420 Braine-l’Alleud
Location Leuven, Belgium


The agenda of the course will address the 4 key challenges and bottlenecks of the gene therapy development cycle: Scientific, Manufacturing, Regulatory, and Reimbursement/Commercialisation. In addition, clinical aspects will be discussed.

The course is developed and proposed within the scope of the GET-IN doctoral network tackling critical gene therapy technology & knowledge gaps. It will be building on the knowledge of the online course and face-to-face curriculum on ATMPs (Cell and Gene Therapies) development that was developed within the ADVANCE project (2020-2023).

The core target group are the “next generation of gene therapy developers” – i.e. early-career biomedical academics (PhDs, Postdocs), including doctors in training, clinician-scientists and SME-based professionals, who are considered to be an important component of the labour market and the critical intermediaries of the gene therapy development pipeline.

Participants will:

  • Take a preparatory online course
  • hear keynote lectures by experts,
  • complete hands-on group assignments,
  • get a chance to present their research projects to peers,
  • go on tours of gene therapies production facilities (Leuven BioIncubator, UCB)
  • have plenty of time to network with peers!

Lecturers: Andrea Buzzi (European Medicines Agency), Rik Gijsberg (KU Leuven), David Morrow (EATRIS), Jan Schrooten (Antleron), Laetitia Malphettes (UCB), Liesbeth De Waele (UZ Leuven), Isabelle Huys (KU Leuven), …


Start: 9.00 on 18 November

End: 12.00 on 22 November



30 seats are available, first come first serve, and we recommend to register early!

Registration fee includes daytime catering (lunch and refreshments) plus 1 evening social activity.  Travel and accommodation are not included.

  • For GET-IN DCs, GET-IN members and EATRIS members: 550€
  • For participants from academia: 650€
  • For participants from industry: 850€
  • 2 seats at 350€ are reserved for participants from EU-13 countries: Bulgaria (BG), Croatia (HR), Cyprus (CY), Czech Republic (CZ), Estonia (EE), Hungary (HU), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Malta (MT), Poland (PL), Romania (RO), Slovakia (SK) and Slovenia (SI)

Registration Link

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