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Top cluster Rhein-Neckar makes Germany a dynamic site for biotechnology

The region is a leading hub for innovation and growth with the newly founded research alliance

  • Round table with Jens Brandenburg, Parliamentary State Secretary (BMBF) and representatives of the Bioregion Rhein-Neckar (BioRN) and the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim on the development of the region

  • BioRN has been creating optimal conditions for innovation and growth for 26 years and is a pioneer in the development of lighthouse projects that facilitate start-ups from the academic environment

  • As part of the innovation campus strategy, the state of Baden-Württemberg supports the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim as a research and development network and spearhead for transfer and translation

  • The discussion focused on framework conditions for further dynamization of the successful course r.: Rainer Wessel, strategical board BioRN; Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick (UKHD) and Scientific Director Health + Life Science Alliance; Gitte Neubauer, Chair of the board BioRN and CEO Cellzome; Jens Brandenburg, parl. State Secretary (BMBF); Inga Bussas (GSK); Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros (DKFZ) and deputy Chair board of the board BioRN and Scientific Director Health+ Life Science Alliance


Heidelberg, 15.02.2023:

The expert panel with representatives from BioRN and the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim and Jens Brandenburg, Parliamentary State Secretary (BMBF), informed himself about the latest developments in the life science region and which key factors are necessary to develop the region into a leading life science hub with global appeal.

The meeting took place as part of the 20-10-5 anniversary event of the biopharmaceutical company GSK and its subsidiary Cellzome on the campus of the European Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg

BioRN is committed to the development of translational concepts that strengthen the excellence of Germany as a leading site for biotechnology and drive translation to become more dynamic.

“Lighthouse projects such as beLAB2122, a public-private partnership for drug development, and the start-up incubator BioLabs have already greatly increased the innovative strength and start-up dynamics in the region. With several working groups, we are developing new concepts for the early financing of start-ups and for a better exchange of clinical data. This is how we promote cooperation between science and industry and create new platforms for investments,” explains Julia Schaft, Managing Director at BioRN.

For 26 years, BioRN has been connecting the stakeholder from politics, science and business in the region and creating optimal conditions for innovation, growth and sustainable value creation.

“The BioRN members are constantly growing in numbers and reflect the enormous potential of the life science region. Start-ups in particular benefit from our strong network and our expertise,” says Gitte Neubauer, Chair of the board of BioRN and Managing Director of Cellzome.

In order to further strengthen research in life science and to promote the transfer into application and translation, the state of Baden-Württemberg support the newly founded Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim as part of the Innovation Campus strategy. Within the framework of cross-institutional programs and joint high-tech platforms, this bundles the strengths of all research institutes involved, including the Excellence University of Heidelberg, the University Hospitals Heidelberg and Mannheim (UKHD) and (UMM), the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the European Laboratory for Molecular Biology (EMBL), the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research (MPImF) and the Central Institute for Mental Health (ZI).

The Scientific Directors of the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim, Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros (DKFZ) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick (UKHD), which gains with the founding of a gGmbH an institutional framework, provide important impetus: “Excellent science needs top talents. With the research alliance, we will increase the international attractiveness of the Life Science Region Heidelberg-Mannheim for top researchers and ensure improved transfer and exchange between science and industry”, says Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros.

In the life science region, which is characterized by innovative strength and strong start-up dynamics, the funding from the State for Baden-Württemberg set the course for becoming one of the world´s leading clusters in life sciences. This must be kept on course to success.

In addition to funding, politics can support a thriving start-up landscape with optimal framework conditions. The focus is on promoting and developing talent for entrepreneurship, incentives for transfer and translation, and reducing the bureaucracy.


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