New approaches against metastatic breast cancer: mini-tumors from circulating cancer cells

New approaches against metastatic breast cancer: mini-tumors from circulating cancer cells

Common cough syrup ingredient shows promise in treating serious lung disease

Common cough syrup ingredient shows promise in treating serious lung disease

Antibody that Neutralizes Inhibitory Factors Involved in Nerve Regeneration Leads to Enhanced Motor Function after Acute Spinal Cord Injury

Antibody that Neutralizes Inhibitory Factors Involved in Nerve Regeneration Leads to Enhanced Motor Function after Acute Spinal Cord Injury

Colorectal cancer: role of obesity underestimated to date

Colorectal cancer: role of obesity underestimated to date

A new EMBL microscope hits the road

A new EMBL microscope hits the road

Schizophrenia: NMI observes processes in nerve cells

Schizophrenia: NMI observes processes in nerve cells

Brain tumour cells rapidly integrate into brain-wide neuronal circuits

Brain tumour cells rapidly integrate into brain-wide neuronal circuits

Warm – warmer – neuronal rapid fire: How the brain gets used to heat

Warm – warmer – neuronal rapid fire: How the brain gets used to heat

From snapshots to motion: watching biology in action

From snapshots to motion: watching biology in action