February 20, 2025

BioMed X Launches New Institute in Barbados

BioMed X Launches New Institute in Barbados

BioMed X Institute, in collaboration with the Government of Barbados and the European Commission, is launching BioMed X Barbados, a new research initiative focused on better treatment of cardiometabolic diseases in individuals of African descent.

Signing ceremony of the Letter of Intent between BioMed X and the Government of Barbados. From left to right standing: Simone Rudder, Barbados’ Ambassador to the European Union, Dr. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, Małgorzata Wasilewska, EU Ambassador to Barbados. From left to right sitting: Dr. Gerhard Ries, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BioMed X, Dr. Christian Tidona, Founder and Managing Director of BioMed X, Mark Hill, CEO of Export Barbados (Credits: Charlie Pitt from Barbados Government Information Service).

Heidelberg, Germany / Bridgetown, Barbados – February 20, 2025. BioMed X Institute is proud to announce a partnership with the Government of Barbados focused on advancing the treatment of cardiometabolic diseases in individuals of African descent. This initiative, supported by the European Commission’s PharmaNext program, will begin with a two-year pilot project focusing on molecular characterization of patients in Barbados.

Cardiometabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cardiovascular conditions, continue to rise globally. According to the International Diabetes Federation, 537 million people worldwide were diagnosed with diabetes in 2021, a figure expected to reach 783 million by 2045. Individuals of African descent face a significant burden of these diseases, yet they remain significantly underrepresented in clinical research and treatment optimization efforts. Current clinical trials often fail to include sufficient participants of African descent, limiting the efficacy and safety of new therapies for this important patient group.

The BioMed X Barbados project will tackle this disparity by employing artificial intelligence (AI) and deep molecular characterization techniques. The initiative will conduct an epidemiological study in Barbados, collecting samples and clinical history data from cardiometabolic patients and healthy individuals. The patient samples will be subjected to deep molecular profiling using technologies such as DNA sequencing, proteomic analysis, and flow cytometry. The integration of these datasets with publicly available clinical and molecular data from age- and gender-matched Caucasian subjects, allows BioMed X to develop AI models which will allow the optimization of available cardiometabolic treatment regimen for the Black population. Based on the initial financial support from the Government of Barbados and the European Commission, BioMed X Barbados aims to attract additional funding from global pharmaceutical companies, development banks, and foundations.

BioMed X’s commitment to diversity in biomedical research for the benefit of all patients aligns with the broader global health agenda to bridge healthcare gaps for underrepresented populations. “This partnership with the Government of Barbados represents a significant step towards addressing historical inequities in biomedical research and development of new therapies,” said Dr. Christian Tidona, Managing Director of the BioMed X Institute. “Leveraging state-of-the-art molecular techniques and AI enables us to make an impact on the lives of millions of people of African descent, ensuring that they receive the best possible treatments.”

The Government of Barbados is providing strong support for the initiative, recognizing its potential to position Barbados as a leading hub for biomedical research in the Caribbean. “This partnership underscores our commitment to building Barbados’ life sciences industry, and integrating in global value chains. Through innovation-initiatives, we are advancing healthcare solutions to challenges that directly impact our communities and beyond” stated Mr. Mark Hill Chief Executive Officer of Export Barbados (BIDC).

The European Commission’s support through the PharmaNext program further reinforces the importance of international collaboration in tackling global health challenges. “By introducing European interests, such as this one, and encouraging their collaboration with efforts here in Barbados, the very best standards and practices will find a home here and hopefully the wider Caribbean” said EU Ambassador to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS and CARICOM/CARIFORUM, Her Excellency Malgorzata Wasilewska.

The initial contact between the Government of Barbados and BioMed X was facilitated by the bioRN Life Science Cluster during a delegation visit of representatives from Barbados and Guyana to Heidelberg, Germany in 2024.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, also acknowledged the importance of this milestone, sharing on X/Twitter.

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