bioRN News

Menarini Biotech (MBH) is a leading CDMO specializing in Process Development and GMP manufacturing across various therapeutic areas. With a mission to be a reliable, agile, and innovative partner, MBH empowers its customers to bring life-saving biotherapeutics to patients through expertise in drug development. From lab to production, cutting-edge technology accelerates processes, optimizes yields, and […]
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New Member: Welcome in our cluster to GeneTechX
At GeneTechX, they are developing a nutrigenomics platform that combines genetics and nutritional science to create personalized dietary solutions. Leveraging advanced gene-editing technologies like PrimeCRISPR, they investigate the intricate relationships between genes, diet, and health outcomes. By identifying genetic variations that affect nutrient metabolism, GeneTechX delivers tailored nutrition strategies to enhance health and prevent disease, […]
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New Member: Welcome in our cluster to Akribion Therapeutics GmbH
Akribion Therapeutics is developing a unique, RNA-guided, nuclease-based technology for programmable cell depletion. Its G-dase® E nuclease has the ability to kill cells by shredding DNA and RNA, but only if there is a highly specific match between the guide RNA and an intracellular RNA sequence. This ensures that only the targeted cells are affected, […]
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New Member: Welcome in our cluster to Alcedis GmbH
Alcedis is a globally operating, leading full-service CRO with over 30 years of experience in clinical research. As a member of the Huma Group, they combine deep expertise with innovative AI-driven technologies to conduct clinical trials efficiently and accurately – from Phase I to market authorization, medical device projects, and real-world evidence. Their in-house competence […]
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Innovation Prize 2025 of the German BioRegions – Application Deadline: February 14, 2025
Innovators wanted. APPLY NOW!WE SUPPORT YOUR INNOVATIVE INVENTION! The work group of the BioRegions in Germany is the central network of regional initiatives promoting the economic use of modern biotechnologies in Germany. It annually awards the Innovation Prize of the BioRegions in Germany. This year, the work group again recognizes application-oriented ideas with strong implementation […]
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BioRN Mitgliederversammlung 2024: Neue Projekte, Fokusthemen und zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten sorgen für weiteres Wachstum
Am 28. November versammelten sich die Mitglieder der rund 165 Unternehmen und Institutionen von BioRN Network e.V. zur jährlichen Generalversammlung. Dabei wurden die Erfolge des Jahres, darunter die Mitarbeit als Partnerorganisation im EU-Forschungsprojekt PRECISEU, die Projektverantwortung im EIT Health Catapult Programm, die BioRN Annual Conference mit seiner stark wachsenden Teilnehmerzahl im frischen Design und mit […]
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New Member: Welcome in our cluster to Myotwin GmbH
At Myotwin, the vision is to revolutionize drug development through innovation and compassion. The team is creating a digital twin of the human heart muscle, built from extensive high-content datasets, to enable animal-free drug testing. This groundbreaking platform aims to reshape pharmaceutical research by offering ethical, precise, and effective drug testing methods. By leveraging technology […]
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New Member: Welcome in our cluster to Cell Signaling Technology Europe B.V.
Cell Signaling Technology (CST) is a private, family-owned company, founded by scientists and dedicated to providing high-quality research tools to the biomedical research community. CST empowers scientists worldwide with innovative, high-quality tools to advance discovery. Beyond science, CST prioritizes responsibility by partnering with communities and minimizing environmental impact. As the first life science member of […]
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New Member: Welcome in our cluster to BioKryo GmbH
BioKryo is a biorepository focused on the storage of biological samples in temperatures ranging from -196°C in liquid nitrogen in cryotanks to -80°C, -20°C and 4°C in freezers. Their goal is to support biotechnology/pharmaceutical companies in their manufacturing process by providing a safe, redundant and qualified storage of their biological samples. Some examples of samples […]
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